Author Archives: Gurmukh Singh

Leveraging Data to Improve Learner Outcomes (Pt. 1) Building Your Data Strategy

Data Collections Strategies in Education Few subjects elicit the type of polarized reactions that data commonly does. Somewhat unsurprisingly, its a source of dread for those who fear flashbacks of middle school algebra. To those (somewhat less common) enthusiasts however, it represents a boon of untapped knowledge and understanding just waiting to be utilized. From […]

Implementing Modern Learning in a Digitally Transforming World

Digital transformation is becoming an all-too-familiar concept for organizations spanning from the business world to academia. As digital technology evolves, clients and consumers expect their institutions to keep pace, providing up-to-date experiences at an alarming rate. Unfortunately, upgrading IT infrastructure and services is non-trivial, both in terms of time and expense. This forces these organizations […]